🗣️ Anjali is presenting Enumo at OOPSLA 2023.
🗣️ Edward is presenting Odyssey at UIST 2023.
🧰 Released Ian’s Amazon internship project on Haploid, an egg-based SMT query simplifier.
🧑🏫 I will be teaching Emina’s course on Solver-aided Programming (CSE 507) this quarter!
🗣️ Edward is presenting Odyssey at FPTalks 2023.
🎯 Pavel and I are co-organizing FPTalks 2023.
🗣️ Yihong is presenting egglog at PLDI 2023.
🗣️ Gus is presenting Lakeroad at PLARCH 2023.
🧰 Max and I are co-organizing EGRAPHS 2023.
🗣️ Oliver is giving the first egglog demo at EGRAPHS 2023.
🗣️ Yihong is giving a talk on tree automata at EGRAPHS 2023.
⛰️ Anjali and I are co-organizing PNW PLSE 2023.
📰 I was interviewed for the Business Insider article “The end of coding as we know it”.
🗣️ David is presenting babble at POPL 2023.
🧑🏫 James and I are co-teaching Grad PL (CSE 505).
📰 The Neutrons project was featured by the CACM, UW Allen School, and UCSD CSE.