Some reviewers find complexity irresistible. Maybe they conflate complexity with significance or they fear looking ignorant. Whatever the reason, this unfortunate tendency biases authors away from asking the simplest questions first and instead pushes them toward unnecessary complexity. It is a terrible trap.
You should always build “the simplest thing that could possibly work” as a first baseline solution because it is the Right Thing™️ to do. Building and evaluating the simplest possible baseline provides many benefits:
However, the biggest benefit is that you reduce the risk of fooling yourself and the research community.
Several of my favorite projects were inspired during reading group discussions. Some new technique would seem overly complex, so we would look through the paper to see how it compared against the most simple, obvious, naive baseline. But the authors almost never bothered to even build or run such a baseline! Instead, they would provide some hand wavy argument about how it “obviously could never work”.
It turns out that the simplest baseline works much more often and much better than folks expect. Furthermore, if you can rustle up some meaningful benchmarks, build the simplest version of a system, and then look at profiling data from actually running it, you will very often come up with novel insights. The Herbie, egg, and Ruler projects all started by following this recipe (all won Distinguished Paper awards, not a coincidence).
So, if we are in a meeting and someone asks how well an extremely naive approach would do, don’t hand wave some argument about how it “obviously could never work”. Thank them for reminding us to do the simplest thing first, and then go do it. The results will almost always surprise you.
Worse is Better by Richard Gabriel
Code the Shortest Path First by Evan Lawrence-Hurt
Write the Paper First by Jason Eisner